Noting a remarkable year of challenges and resiliency, Coast Community College District leadership offered a renewed focus on connecting with students' academic aspirations and providing holistic support during today's first-ever virtual State of the District.
The program featured the presidents of Coastline College, Golden West College, and Orange Coast College, the Coast District vice chancellors, Coast District Board of Trustees President Jim Moreno, and Coast District Chancellor John Weispfenning.
"Thanks to all those who stepped up to this worldwide public health crisis, set aside the near constant disruptions, and focused on the wellbeing of our community and students," Moreno said. "You are seen and recognized – whether you work in the classroom, financial aid office, counseling centers, administration, health facilities, custodial services, or each of our many departments."
Following the presentation of an array of accomplishments from every college and the district office, Weispfenning laid out areas of focus for the year ahead – including:
- Responding to students' mental wellbeing, physical health, food security, and housing access – while pursuing an even more student-focused and service-minded approach to financial aid.
- Establishing new programs aligned with emerging student interests – as outreach, marketing, and community engagement teams communicate the myriad benefits of attending a community college.
- Developing new programs benefitting non-traditional students – alongside promotion of Career Technical Education, internships, and apprenticeships.
- Implementing best practices to close equity gaps – in tandem with work to advance representation and meaningful inclusion among our faculty and staff ranks.
The chancellor called for a continuation of the teamwork across sites and units that allowed for the successful navigation of the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Gone are the illusions that we succeed on our own; the challenges we face are too great for any one person to take on singlehandedly," Weispfenning said. "If we are born to make a difference, we will do so together."
"The State of the District is strong because your connections – our connections – sustain its legacy and shape its future," Weispfenning concluded.
Watch the virtual State of the District in full here.
The Coast Community College District is located in Orange County and is among the largest districts in the United States. The District's three colleges – Coastline College, Golden West College, and Orange Coast College – provide traditional degree and transfer opportunities, career and technical training, basic skills, English as a Second Language, and other community programs. Thanks to the Measure M community bond funding approved by voters in 2012, the Coast Colleges are in the midst of a $698 million revitalization of educational and student support infrastructure.