Coast District To Hold Initial Meeting on Redistricting Trustee Areas
For Immediate Release: January 4, 2022

Blue waves followed by the words Coast Colleges with logos for Coastline College, Golden West College, and Orange Coast College beneath.

At the December 8, 2021, regular meeting, the Coast Community College District Board of Trustees approved the scheduling of a Special Board Meeting to discuss redistricting process for the five trustee areas.

The meeting is set for Wednesday, January 5, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. The meeting will be conducted virtually. Members of the public may use call-in phone number 669-900-6833, with this meeting ID: 996 7972 7701.

With the 2020 census complete, the Board will be discussing the new census data for the District and its legal implications for the configuration of the District's trustee areas.

Information relevant to the redistricting process will be posted on the District website.

CONTACT: Erik Fallis
Director, Public Affairs and Marketing
(714) 438-4605 |


The Coast Community College District is located in Orange County and is among the largest districts in the United States. The District's three colleges – Coastline College, Golden West College, and Orange Coast College – provide traditional degree and transfer opportunities, career and technical training, basic skills, English as a Second Language, and other community programs. Thanks to the Measure M community bond funding approved by voters in 2012, the Coast Colleges are in the midst of a $698 million revitalization of educational and student support infrastructure.

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