Blue waves behind the words Coast Colleges in dark blue

Weekly News Brief | August 18, 2023
From the Office of Chancellor Whitney Yamamura, Ed.D.

Chancellor Yamamura in front of the District Office

This week, two dozen of our colleagues went through training to facilitate bold and inclusive conversations based on a research-grounded engagement model. They each dedicated more than 18 hours over three days, a significant commitment for the individuals and for our institution.

Why is this training worth the time?

If we are serious about DEIAA work, it is impossible to avoid uncomfortable conversations around race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, politics, gender, gender expression, sexuality, socioeconomic status, and age – among the myriad other ways our experiences differ. Further, based on a long career with community colleges, I believe we must have these conversations to be our best as advocates, educators, mentors, and models for our students.

As important as these conversations are, there is real potential for harm if we enter this space unprepared. That is why we have begun to train the trainers, or in this case facilitators, to navigate our conversations towards understanding and empathy.

There is more work to do. Building from the commitment of our colleagues, we have an opportunity to make bold and inclusive conversations part of our District and College narrative. This means creating the spaces and setting aside the time required for meaningful engagement.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this week's training. Thank you, as well, to all those who will play a part in continuing the work. We will navigate these challenging yet essential conversations together.

With gratitude,


Whitney Yamamura, Ed.D.


Report from the Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees photos

On Wednesday, August 18, the Board of Trustees met and approved a memorandum of understanding with United States Veterans Initiative (U.S. Vets) to offer free mental health services on the Golden West College campus which follows similar agreements with Coastline College and Orange Coast College.

Jerry Marchbank, senior director of facilities, planning, and construction, presented on the Coast District Workers' Compensation Self-Insured Open Claims Annual Status Report, with notes on three paid claims. Senior Director Marchbank also presented the Annual Report on Risk Management and Insurance, speaking to issues affecting the insurance landscape generally and for the Coast District specifically with insurers taking steps to reduce their risk exposure. The Coast District continues to perform well in lower experience of claim by numbers and severity, reducing overall costs of insurance. Trustees commended the work on reducing risk and navigating the complicated insurance market.

Dr. Andreea Serban, vice chancellor of educational services and technology, and Rachel Snell, internal audit director, presented two reports on Title IX aggregating the work of the colleges in responding to the federal anti-discrimination standards.

The Board accepted the retirement Yen Luong, financial aid specialist at Orange Coast College. Trustees adjourned in memory of all those lost and suffering due to the fires in Maui, along with recognition of first responders.


College News


On August 7–10, Coastline College welcomed over 60 prospective students to their multi-generational Career Pathways Camp. Attendees were provided an overview of Coastline's Career Education programs while visiting the Garden Grove and Newport Beach campuses. Campers were provided an overview of student services and participated in career exploration workshops including drone flight, 3D animation and printing, business, and cybersecurity.


The words Coastline College above a shield with the letter C.

Coastline Career Pathways Camp attendees group photo



Golden West College has partnered with California State University, Long Beach and Westminster High School to offer students who are interested in becoming teachers a path that will take them from high school to a bachelor's degree plus teaching credential two years sooner than the traditional route. Students who participate in the program will have an opportunity to complete up to 21 units of coursework at Westminster High School through GWC's dual enrollment program. After high school graduation, students will transfer to Golden West to complete their associate's degree, which should take approximately 18 months. They will then transition to CSULB where they will complete both their bachelor's degree and Education Specialist Credential in connection with the Integrated Teacher Preparation Programs (ITEP) Grant.


A circle with the words Golden West College, Huntington Beach, on the outside with a central surfboard and the letters GWC.



Orange Coast College's Theatre Department has released its 2023-2024 season. These productions include both faculty and student directed shows with a variety of offerings: from one-act plays to a run of Chicago. Faculty-directed productions of the Main Stage are directed by recognized theatre professionals and educators, providing students an opportunity to develop and perfect their craft with the latest in contemporary theatre, musicals and classical theatre. Student-directed productions of the Repertory (The Rep) offer students the hands-on opportunity to direct, act, write, stage manage and create designs, publicity and technical elements for a full season of productions.


An Orange circle forming an O with two interior waves in dark blue forming two C shapes.



Chancellor, Week of August 21
Dr. Yamamura is in the District, Monday through Friday
