Weekly News Brief | February 23, 2024
From the Office of Chancellor Whitney Yamamura, Ed.D.
As we close out February, my appreciation to those who organized and led the activities for Black History Month. I particularly want to acknowledge those in the Umoja Program – faculty, staff, and students. Restorative justice work can be cognitively and emotionally draining. As the name Umoja implies, there is hope that through unity the burden is lessened, and the rewards grow.
What has impressed me this month is the range of activities, from fun social outings to artistic expressions, parades, resource fairs, and wellness activities. As someone who strives to be a better and more meaningful ally, I appreciated seeing offerings on the role of allies in addressing anti-Black racism.
Of course, the month is not yet over. So, for those able, there is a Black Voices from the Ivory Tower film viewing being held at the Coastline College Student Services Center in Fountain Valley on February 27 and a Wellness Event on February 28 at the Golden West College Central Quad. Orange Coast College transfer center is also hosting a resource fair for HBCUs on February 29 at 1pm in their Student Union. Links are available in the story following the Board Report.
Additionally, Black Student Success Week is scheduled systemwide for April 22-26, 2024. We will communicate resources for that week as it gets closer, or you can check out the schedule now at blkstudentsuccess.com.
Unity is critical to the work ahead. The weight of restorative justice and generational healing is heavier than any of us can carry alone. We must commit, both as a District and System, to the work. I again thank those who have stepped up and led.
With gratitude,
Whitney Yamamura, Ed.D.
Persistent Innovation
Please send examples of persistent innovation, by which I mean having a good idea and then putting in the hard work to make that vision a reality. The more examples submitted, the better I can highlight your successes in future letters and in the community! |
Report from the Board of Trustees
On Wednesday, February 21, the Board of Trustees met and reviewed the Annual Institutional Effectiveness Report 2022-23. Vice Chancellor Andreea Serban presented with Dr. Aeron Zentner of Coastline College, Dr. Lauren Davis Sosenko of Golden West College, and Dr. Sheri Sterner of Orange Coast College.
Highlights included the colleges’ continuing strong performance in transfer to the CSU and UC, as well as strong indicators on retention. Coastline addressed new approaches on academic self-help, basic needs, and academic resource access for incarcerated students. Golden West addressed early alert programs, resources for parents and students, and equity-focused professional development opportunities for faculty. Orange Coast addressed moving students from academic probation to good standing, establishing a culture of care, and equity-minded data coaching.
A proportionally higher rate of post-pandemic enrollment growth for students with disabilities was discussed and partially explained by the return of students who may not have felt fully supported in an online-only environment. Trustees expressed hope that efforts to reach and welcome students with disabilities was also part of the increase.
Challenges include a changing student profile as it relates to state funding, for example a proportional increase in dual enrollment and enhanced non-credit. While students enrolling through these programs do count towards enrollment, they are not eligible for state and federal financial aid. These students therefore do not count towards other measures used in the state funding formula.
A related report was provided by Michael Tran, counselor at Golden West, on the GWC Transfer Center. Highlights covered the Transfer Academy, Transfer Awareness Week, and Transfer Services. Particularly, the GWC Transfer Center provides a service of transfer counseling and transcript evaluation that has proven critical for transfer success.
Lastly, on the recommendation of the Legislative Affairs Committee, the Board approved a letter in support of Assembly Bill 1805 (Ta) Academic content standards: history-social science: Mendez v. Westminster School District of Orange County.
Black History Month
February is Black History Month! In celebration, Coastline College and its Umoja Community will be hosting multiple events throughout the month. Coastline is extending an invite to the entire District.
Additional open events may be found on the Golden West College Black History Month events page and the Orange Coast College Black History Month events page.
College News
President Vince Rodriguez of Coastline College, accompanied by his dedicated Presidents' Cabinet, enthusiastically participated in the 2024 Fountain Valley State of the City event, showcasing their commitment to community engagement. The distinguished group not only attended the event but also actively immersed themselves in the local community, taking the opportunity to connect with residents and gain firsthand insights into the needs of Fountain Valley. This presence at the State of the City event underscored Coastline College's commitment to being an integral part of the community, fostering meaningful relationships, and contributing to the overall well-being of Fountain Valley.
Congratulations Golden West College 2023 Teacher of the Year, Keisha Cosand. Cosand's students had wonderful things to say about her:
"Her kindness and passion drove my motivation to do well in her class. The experience [I had] in her class is ... something that I'll hold on to for life."
"Such a warm, inviting, and intelligent professor. She knows SO much about literature, and you walk away from class learning and thinking more deeply than you thought you were capable of."
"Keisha Cosand is an amazing teacher. If you want to improve your writing, get great advice on education, and laugh along the way TAKE [HER] CLASS. The girl who sang on stage with Sting has inspired me to be a great student."
The Orange Coast College Friends of the Library will host a screening of the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour on March 12 and 13 in the Robert B. Moore Theatre. The event will begin at 7 p.m. and feature an international selection of films presenting a wide range of outdoor adventures and portraits, including climbing, mountain expeditions, remote cultures, and the world’s last great wild places. Each night will offer a different selection of films. The Banff Mountain Film Festival is a flagship program of the Banff Centre in Canada. The festival began more than 35 years ago as a one-day event featuring films about mountain climbing and has grown into a nine-day event with more than 840 screenings throughout the year.
Chancellor, Week of February 26
Dr. Yamamura is here, Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Dr. Serban is acting on Wednesday and Thursday.