Blue waves behind the words Coast Colleges in dark blue

Weekly News Brief | April 5, 2024
From the Office of Chancellor Whitney Yamamura, Ed.D.

Chancellor Yamamura in front of the District Office

This April, we are marking national Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). It is a difficult topic, one that is painful and connected to trauma for many. Yet, this is not something we could or ever should ignore.

Last month, I noted the Coast District's role in bringing about Title IX protections against gender discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Sexual assault prevention and intervention training is a key obligation under our Title IX responsibilities, as well as being a moral responsibility. For survivors, we must know how to recognize signs and provide appropriate support. It is even better if we as education colleagues and our students are prepared to intervene before an assault happens.

My thanks to our colleagues leading SAAM programs. Planned sessions cover the breadth of topics, from knowing one's rights, to bystander intervention, to healing as a survivor. You can find the offerings in the attached documents and linked here. I hope to see all wearing denim on Wednesday, April 24, as we bring awareness to victim blaming and destructive myths that surround rape and sexual violence.

The Coast District will never be immune from the ugliness that plagues our society and contributes to interpersonal violations. Yet, together, we can declare and normalize Your Body, Your Rules as part of our Coast District culture.

With gratitude,

Dr. Whitney Yamamura


Report from the Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees photos

On Wednesday, April 3, 2024, the Board of Trustees met and authorized Coastline College to adopt a new mission statement. The statement reads: Coastline College was founded with a vision to reimagine education by offering flexible learning and services that open new avenues for social and economic advancement through the attainment of degrees, certificates, seamless transfers to four-year colleges/universities, and career-focused competencies. As a proud Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), Asian American, Native American, Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI), and Minority Serving Institution (MSI), we embrace diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice, accessibility, and antiracism as core aspects of our identity and mission. We strive to empower students to become discerning, empathetic, and impactful contributors to a global society. By meeting students where they are, Coastline is committed to delivering innovative and holistic instruction and services, designed to achieve equitable outcomes.

Trustees also discussed options for remote streaming of Board meetings, agreeing to bring the topic back for further consideration and possible action. Acting on a recommendation from the Legislative Affairs Committee, the Board authorized a letter in support of SB895 (Roth) Community Colleges: Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing Pilot Program – which would allow 15 districts to host programs. Trustees also approved a request from the Chair and the Vice Chair of the Legislative Affairs Committee to take positions on legislation when a request is received from the Community College League of California, Association of Community College Trustees, or the State Chancellor's Office that requires urgency.

The Board adjourned in memory of the World Central Kitchen aid workers killed in Gaza. Trustees also remembered Samy Kamienowicz, founder of the retail camera stores Sammy's Camera and friend to Coast District photography students, hobbyists, and professionals.


Persistent Innovation banner

Submitted by Tyler Boogar, Orange Coast College Department Chair, Mathematics

On Friday, March 15th, the OCC Mathematics Department held the annual OCC Math Meet. Over 100 students and advisors from 16 local high schools attended to compete in a math skills competition. The high school students in attendance had an opportunity to visit the planetarium, win prizes, and learn about OCC during a banquet immediately following the competition. Congratulations to the team from Arnold O. Beckman High School for winning this year!

Beckman High School students and their advisor pose with their medals and prizes after winning the 2024 OCC Math Meet

Please send examples of persistent innovation, by which I mean having a good idea and then putting in the hard work to make that vision a reality. The more examples submitted, the better I can highlight your successes in future letters and in the community!


2024 State of the District + Equity Symposium

Please join us on Thursday, April 18, and hear from our college presidents and chancellor about the state of Coast Colleges (8:30 to 9:30 am). Equity symposium to follow. Held in the CCCD Board Room at 1370 Adams Avenue, Costa Mesa.

***RSVP to by April 5, 2024***


Chief Information Systems Officers Association President, Rupa Saran

CISOA Press Release:

The Chief Information Systems Officers Association (CISOA) is thrilled to announce a significant milestone in the history of the organization. Rupa Saran, Chief Information Technology Officer of the Coast Community College District, assumed the role of CISOA President at the 2024 Annual Business Meeting in Riverside, CA. This marks a momentous occasion as Rupa becomes the first woman of color to lead our organization.

Rupa Saran, Chief Information Technology Officer at the Coast Community College District in Southern California, provides leadership and vision for the strategic and operational planning, development, implementation, and support of information and learning technologies. Rupa strongly believes that in every challenge conquered and every obstacle overcome, there is an opportunity to learn, grow, expand, and improve.

Rupa also serves on various California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office advisory committees, workgroups, councils, and is a member of the California Community Colleges Consortium Information Systems (4CIS), California Community Colleges Banner Group (3CBG), and serves on the CISO Certification Program. She is passionate about driving positive change, fostering an inclusive and innovative environment, which leads to achieving organizational goals. Her holistic approach to leadership, coupled with her relentless pursuit of excellence, continues to inspire, and elevate those around her.

As an IT professional and administrator within the education sector, she has over 25 years of experience in out-of-the-box thinking. Prior to joining Coast Community College District, she was with the Orange County Department of Education serving K-12 school districts. Rupa has a Master of Science in Project Management, a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems, and is Chief Information Systems Officer (CISO) and ITIL certified.

Rupa is recognized as a visionary and respected technology leader within the California Community College system. Her track record of innovation, leadership, and commitment to excellence will be instrumental in advancing the collective goals of our organization and guiding CISOA to new heights of success.

We invite all members to join us in extending a warm welcome to Rupa Saran as she begins her journey as CISOA President. Let us support her in this new capacity, as we continue to work together in shaping the future of technology in higher education.

Together, under Rupa's leadership, CISOA looks forward to embarking on a new chapter of innovation, inclusivity, and excellence in service to the California Community College system.

Rupa Saran headshot



College News


Two Golden West College theater students have been recognized by the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF) for their performances in PSYCHO BEACH PARTY, a production that ran from March 8-17 at the GWC Theater. Tessa Sarvis and Ian Pedersen have been invited to attend the Region VIII festival in February 2025 to compete for Irene Ryan scholarships and possible advancement to the finals in Washington DC. The two actors can also proudly place the words "Irene Ryan Award Nominee" on their acting resumes. Since 1972, the Irene Ryan Foundation of Encino, CA, has awarded scholarships to outstanding student performers at each regional festival. These scholarships are made possible by the generosity of the late Irene Ryan who is best remembered for her portrayal of the lovable and feisty 'Granny Clampett' in The Beverly Hillbillies. All student actors in both Participating and Associate productions are eligible for consideration for regional scholarships.


A circle with the words Golden West College, Huntington Beach, on the outside with a central surfboard and the letters GWC.

Tessa Sarvis (center) and Ian Pedersen (far right) were recognized for their
performances and invited to compete for a prestigious scholarhip




Orange Coast College culinary arts students took first place at the 2024 American Culinary Federation's Western Regional Student Team Competition in Overland Park, Kansas on March 12. OCC's Hot Food Team is the first team to compete for OCC since 2018. The competing five-member team consists of Team Captain Claire Arredondo, Blanca Granados, Morgan Downie, Genisis Mascareno, and Monique Robinson, with three additional support team members, including Joseph Serrato, Khoa To, and Frida Ramos-Nunez. Their team coach and culinary arts instructor, Chef April Thompson, is no stranger to ACF's Western Regional Student Team Competition, having competed in 2018 for OCC when they won their last regional title. The Hot Food Team worked closely with OCC's Horticulture Department and Marine Science Department to harvest tilapia and aquaponic lettuces used in their competition menu. Through this collaboration, they completed the sustainability loop by conscientiously preparing some food grown on campus. The partnership also allowed them to cater to a "campus" to table concept. The four-course winning menu highlighted techniques such as fish and poultry fabrication, Mousseline and country style forcemeats, Lavash rings, Shaped Tuille, and Entremet Cake layering. The team will travel to Phoenix in July to compete in the National Student Team Championships, facing off against four other regional teams. The last time the Pirates won the national title was in 2005.


An Orange circle forming an O with two interior waves in dark blue forming two C shapes.

Orange Coast College culinary arts students took first place at the 2024 American Culinary Federation’s Western Regional Student Team Competition




Chancellor, Week of April 8
Dr. Yamamura is in the District, Monday and Friday.
Vice Chancellor Marlene Drinkwine is Acting Chancellor on Tuesday through Thursday.
