Coast District And CSULB Increase Accessibility For Local Transfer Students
For Immediate Release: September 13, 2024

The Coast Community College District is excited to announce that California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) has made significant changes to its "Local Preference" policy for transfer students. Effective from the 2025-26 Academic Year students from the Coast District will be given "Local Preference" in the admissions process. When the number of eligible students is more than the number of available spaces available in programs, local applicants will be admitted first.

Previously, "Local Preference" for admission consideration was based solely on the high school of graduation, using the same geographic boundaries as those for incoming freshmen. However, starting Fall 2025, this preference will also extend to students who attended Golden West College, Coastline Community College, or Orange Coast College. To qualify, applicants must have completed the majority of their units and attended these institutions as their last school.

Under the revised policy, transfer applicants will receive "Local Preference" based on either their high school of graduation or the community college they last attended. This includes Coast District's three colleges, Golden West College, Coastline Community College, and Orange Coast College.

This revision is a testament to the growing collaboration between CSULB and our community colleges, aimed at strengthening the transfer student pipeline and providing greater opportunities for our students. "Congratulations to the faculty staff and managers in the transfer centers at each of our colleges, says Chancellor of CCCD, Whitney Yamamura, This decision by CSULB is a testament to the relationships they built on behalf of our students. Coast Community College District is thrilled about this decision and looks forward to continuing our partnership with CSULB to support the success of our students."


CONTACT: Julie Clevenger
Director, Chancellor Office Operations and Governmental Affairs
(714) 438-4732 |

The Coast Community College District is located in Orange County and is among the largest districts in the United States. The District's three colleges – Coastline College, Golden West College, and Orange Coast College – provide traditional degree and transfer opportunities, career and technical training, basic skills, English as a Second Language, and other community programs. Thanks to the Measure M community bond funding approved by voters in 2012, the Coast Colleges are in the midst of a $698 million revitalization of educational and student support infrastructure.

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